Saturday, June 5, 2010

Up With The Dawn Chorus

It's the wee hours of the morning, in fact I was up at 3:30 AM, probably because yesterday was 95f, with high humidity. We do not have air conditioning but do have a ceiling fan in our bedroom which when I fell asleep, was on the highest speed. So I woke up and decided to go downstairs and get a cup of tea. Then the birds started to wake up, which is at about 4:00 AM.

There was a full charge on my laptop so decided to take it outside, being cooler, listening to the birds and drinking tea, catching up on a few other Blogs. Yes a great "quiet" time or should I say tranquil because the birds can be quite noisy and we have a barrel with a pump, water falling constantly which is a steady background noise, but it's that lovely space of time that refreshes you before you get into the pace of the day.

By the time I get to evening I think why am I so
tired, but it's probably because I get up quite often at this time, and that makes for a long day.

I have three different areas that I like to sit in my garden. This area is off my
Simla Room, down from my kitchen back door. I have two old forties metal chairs on the patio, plus pots of plants and little tables necessary for cups of tea I have two other areas. One with the circular patio by my pond, and the other is under my oak tree and I'm gradually making that into a woodland area.

I did have a garden tent room there, for several years, until the tent came down in a storm and that was pretty much the end of that and I don't have the finances to replace it. So I'm thinking of a more open
affair. I'd like to make an open pergola out of wood, and use my old louvred doors and wooden windows hanging from it, but unfortunately there again finances and I think borough planning permission, which is just another excuse to get money off you.

So I've been thinking of bamboo, some people have forests growing in their gardens, and asking if we could cut 8 down to make a frame, and use a painters canvas drop cloth for a top. I think it could work. It will never be like a garden tent, which was more enclosed, but I think it could look nice.

Well will close on that thought.

I hope your weekend is good.


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