Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snowing Night and Day

It snowed all night.

It snowed all day.

The little birds were foraging for berries.

I ate cinnamon crumpets for breakfast

I drank Chai Lattes

Doing what I enjoy, writing.

We just had our second snow storm. Twelve inches on top of twenty-six inches. One of those 100 year records.

No school, no work for hubby, my day off in any case. All home, the fire is roaring, crumpets for breakfast, chai lattes for afternoon tea and writing a letter to a friend.

While looking for my mugs with lids I thought I'd show you the Coates mug, a gift from a friend 25 years ago.

That was my day yesterday. Another snow day in today. Took some great photos at the park, I will post those tomorrow.

Well hope all those up North are warm and I hope those all down South are cool.


1 comment:

  1. Oh yes - I think I am going to look out my crumpet recipe! We have snow here too, today, but not as much as you.
