Wednesday, February 24, 2010


I rearranged my sitting room today. We have a wood stove which we run continuously during the winter and heat the house with it. I love it, but it is work, which means a lot of wood being brought up to the house and then into the house. Plus, as we don't have it in a shed, and it has been very snowy and then pouring rain, plus snow again tomorrow. There has been a lot taken down to the basement to dry out. It's great being down there when there's two foot of snow outside. In any case what's a fifteen year old son for? Mum can put that weight lifting to good use. So I cleaned dust, dust, dust as I rearranged. it's hard if I even do, to keep up with. All that fine ash.

Going back to the sitting room. We have a nice size room not too small. It's longer and not as wide as I'd like, plus one must negotiate, two windows, two old wide wrought iron radiators (which I do like, steam heat, when we do put it on) two French doors and one wide archway and one wide granite fireplace. We're all room rearrangers in my family, my mum used to and so do my sister and I. Centering things around the fire place, but trying to use the ends of the room is always an on going composition. Plus where to put the wee tele. Also the fact that we are eclectic. I mean how can you turn down a lovely little vintage rose and leaf round metal table with glass on top, so fifties, for $2.00 in a yard sale, well not me, but then where to put it? Things do go out to the garage and then back in from the garage. Is there anyone else like that?

In spring, I can't do it before, because of the wood fire. But I want to put my dining room in my sitting room and visa versa. I have a long trestle table in a square dining room. I love the table but am dieing to use all the leaves. I had a round one in there before, which yes probably was a better fit, but I fell in love with this set at the Thrift and the chairs to match. Plus I still have the round table. So in spring the big move.

Until then small things keep one happy.


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