Friday, February 19, 2010

My Sunny Spring Broach

I've made another broach, still working on my 20 minutes a day of creativity. I kept thinking of Provence in France and the lovely yellows and earthy tones. I added this lovely old vintage button and it just brings it all together.

Both this broach and my Skye Foxglove broach will soon be for sale in my "Lil Bit Brit Corner Store"

I've had my store up for a long while but it's been one of those "when I get around to it" so now I have. I'm pleased with the look of it and soon will be adding items into my eclectic mercantile.

So thinking of Spring days and the colour of spring, yellow. Walks along wet country roads, with water running down the banks, babbling brooks and celandines. Daffodils, primroses, forsythia, celandines, crocuses can you think of other yellow flowers? Yes spring is yellow.



  1. That is a very pretty broach, I love the vintage button.

    Joanne x

  2. Your posts are wonderful! This broach is B-e-a-utiful~
    Hope your day is perfect!
