Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bowl & Matcha & Kizeto Oribe

A bowl of Matcha Tea, with a traditional Japanese sweet.

My bowl.

Isn't this Japanese Tea bowl so beautiful and the tea whisk is exquisite, it reminds me of a sea anemone. I will have to take my own photos as this one does not do it justice.

Bowl and Matcha Kizeto Oribe what is this? I thought when I opened the package that came in the mail. I have had a lot going on recently so my mind has not been as quick as it should. But I soon got on Google to find out.

For a person who drinks tea and loves it soo much, I am ashamed of my lack of knowledge of the Japanese customs of drinking tea. But I soon found out. Matcha is a finely powdered green tea, and the Japanese tea ceremony revolves around this, with the above bowl and whisk part of the intricate ceremony.

Thank you Candyce, again my dear friend has introduced me to something new.


1 comment:

  1. I am so pleased that you like the bowl and whisk. I thought you might!
