Thursday, May 7, 2009

Weekend in the Woods

I know we're nearer this weekend than last weekend, but I'm just getting round to it.

Four of the six boys who camped out at my friends. I personally slept indoors. I got up in the early hours of the morning, got myself a cup of tea and went back to bed with 'Little Town on The Prairie.' And just luxuriated in doing nothing but revisit a wonderful book. Opened the window and listened to the birds.

Back view of my friend A's house.

Evening cookout.

Glow light, in a Dasani bottle.

The boys asleep in the tent.

Boys evening vigil in the woods.

All the waterways in the area were done by the army corp of engineers, to flow into the reservoir.

The woods behind my friend's house.

The boys in the woods.
Below you see moth cocoons. These moths are highly destructive, causing much damage to the trees in Pennsylvania.

It's nice for the boys to be able to sleep out and wander in the woods. There's a lot of wildlife back there, and they have such a good time together.
We all had such a great weekend. A lot of laughs with A, and of course we got to do our thing, by visiting Goggle, which I mentioned in a previous post.
Well now onto this Weekend.
Have a great weekend.

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