Saturday, April 11, 2009

Kukuxumusu, A Flea Kiss in Euskara

Kukuxumusu. Where did I first run across this crazy name. Well we were on vacation last year, and visiting the town of Malaga in Spain, where Picasso was born. Dear Boy was looking for a messenger bag for school. As he would be starting High School in the September. He was going to buy one online in the States and I said wait until we go to Europe, you might find something really different.

We walked in a lovely leather bag shop and in there they had a messenger bag with a stylized bull on it, which has come to represent their trade mark. I thought it represented Spain so well, and the messenger bag was actually made in Spain. How good is that as most things world wide are made in China. But no it wasn't his style, however the name Kukuxumusu, just stuck in my mind.

So when the following Autumn I saw some of their notebooks made in Spain, at Barnes and Nobles, I couldn't resist buying one.

This is Kukuxumusu's Store (If my blogger would only work and put the link in, yes success CTR+SHIFT+A, thank goodness) For the longest while I've had no success with their link, by just clicking on it.

Read about their history, it's interesting, they started in Pamplona, Spain, where the bulls run each year, they just wanted to sell a few T-shirts and make a little beer money.

By the way as I said in the title Kukuxumusu, means A Flea Kiss in Basque, Euskara.


P.S. The boy did buy a messenger bag. A hessian fabric one that he really does like and he did buy it in Malaga.

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