Monday, March 9, 2009

Our Only Heat Source, our Jotul Wood Stove

That's what I like to see a nice full basket of wood. We've had this laundry basket since we were married. It was Bo's mum's, so must date back to the fifties. It is very large. I have a smaller one I use for the laundry, but of course we would never get rid of this one, as Bo's mum died when he was four. So when we put the wood stove in we needed a place to keep the wood in the house, and this has worked out very well.

Roses by firelight and a good spy thriller, L'Assassin, set in France, it was a good read. And I think a little gnome.

We have used our Jotul wood stove as our only heating source this winter. Only once or twice putting on the central heating. It has probably saved us between $1,200 and $1,500, which I think is a goodly sum. As we have oil. There have been times when the stove has not quite kept the house as warm as we would like, in the far bedrooms and the kitchen. The heat has to turn quite a few corners to get to the kitchen. The boys have complained, but I've told them to put a jumper on, or wrap up in a blanket, while sitting still.

Those kind of savings can be put towards a vacation, or the bathroom repairs. I know what I'd rather do, but maybe the other is what we must do.

Now the temperature is rising in the daytime. But in the evenings I am still lighting the fire to take the chill off the house and it's so cozy to sit by.

Hope your evenings are cozy.


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