Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A Little This a Little That

I bought these notepads, different designs, but same genera. I call it my Fu Manchu set, because obviously it's Chinese and it reminds me of 1930's Shanghai era. I found this paper at the dollar store, I had originally gone to look for packets of seed. 10 packets for one dollar, to get a jump start and start some seedlings indoors.

In the Simla room, my mandevilla vine made it through the winter, but is looking tatty, dried out leaves all on the floor. The three begonias around it are doing well, and if one had a warm climate all year obviously they would flourish. I would love an outdoor fuchsia, they do grow in England, and our winters are no colder, I must find one.

Our outdoor tent is worse for wear, leaving it out most of the winter did not help. It did keep the wood dry, but a month ago, it took off in a wind and bent a pole. Unfortunately I went to IKEA and it was a one season deal, two years ago, so will have to try and resurrect it for the summer.

Bo is going to take some photos of my hearts on a choker, which I will put on Etsy, maybe my Lil Bit Brit Corner Store. He'll like doing that , playing around with his camera, and I'll get some good photos.

Have you seen Higglety Pigglety's Blog. she's an artist and does wonderful little drawings. I am tempted to buy a couple of boxes of her notelets, I think free shipping. They remind me of a book I had as a child, 'Little Gray Rabbit', I should see if i can find that book on e-bay. I had that book long before I had any Beatrix Potter books.

My 'Far Pavilions' movie arrived from Netflix. It's a terribly condensed version of the book. I wish the BBC would do it. It is absolutely worth a remake as a series. M. M. Kaye the author spent her childhood growing up in Simla 'The Sun in The Morning'.

I'm romping away on 'Someone At A Distance', even though I did a picky, read of the ending. Dorothy Whipple's character studies hold you. My friend C's book is a veritable kaleidoscope of coloured stickies marking what I think are key statements. But I think I have too many key statements.

This Indian brass tray/table is on a traditionally wood carved base. It's about 100 years old. I picked it up on e-bay, from Montreal, Canada. I put a bid on it and forgot about it, so was delighted when I won it. It is the most beautiful one I have ever seen. The gentleman I bought it from said an Indian friend gave it to him, before he left the area and it sat in has attic for many years. I just love the detailed work and colours.

Have a great day.


1 comment:

  1. I really wish I had marked some as often I thought: I really would like to discuss this with Christy. So, I am so glad you are doing it as most likely they are the very same ones I would have marked.
