Thursday, March 19, 2009

Char and a Chat

My dear friend C. came over for lunch, sharing a cup of char and a chat. Just a simple sharing of time and friendship. I love times like this to slow the pace and savour what is truly important to the soul, friendship.

This is one of my thrifty find tea sets from a while ago. It's actually made in Ireland. The teapot which I found separately to match up is made in England and a different china finish. I love the thatched cottage design. The first time I saw it was when my grandma gave me one odd plate with it on. That was a typical thing my grandma would do, give you one little gem of something, fabric, a little book, a little drawing she had done.

C. and I share a mutual love of books, journals and hand written notes and letters. We lament that children are growing up not even learning cursive handwriting. One's handwriting is so personal, it's like a fingerprint. How can you go through life without the fingerprint of hand writing? It should not be done.

We had discussed some notes from her journal. Her bag is darling, so typical of C.

And just to share my little change around. Well I thought I would put this in here, as I was pleased with the results, and it's in the room we had tea in.

This barrister's bookcase used to sit in the upstairs hallway, where I have now put the old oak coat rack, which was becoming more and more populated with bags, hats and coats, that you could hardly navigate your way past it in the downstairs hallway, and I said enough, let's relocates it to the upstairs hallway, where I weeded out some items, and have a little clear path down here.

Enjoy your friendships.


P.S. That teacloth has the most darling little embroidery on it of a teapot but unfortunately on the other side, will have to take a photo and post it another time. It was embroidered by an elderly lady in a little town in Nebraska. Not that I've ever been there, but have a friend out there who sent it to me.

Where things come from and who gave them to you, plus their little stories i think have so much significance to one.

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