Saturday, February 14, 2009

Red Sky at Morn Shepherds Warn

Kitchen awash in pink hew, sunrise from the kitchen window.

I'm very often up early in the morning, morn, i.e. 4:30 am. Mr B. comes in a bit before that, and most mornings I am aware that he has come home from work. Quite often because our two lovely ladies, Tink and Tupp, hear Bo's vehicle come down the street, ever before I hear it. So they both jump off the bed with a thump; getting a little older they don't seem to be so light on their paws. Yes I have given up trying to keep them off the bed, so they have a little cover and keep me company, and of course they're as happy as can be.

After Bo went to bed this morning I stayed up. Don't you love that quiet time in the morning. It was still dark and the fire was going after being re-fueled. I made a cup of tea and a raisin muffin, and spent some time catching up on Blogs. I walked in the kitchen for, yes, a second cup of tea, well what's and English girl do? As I walked in the kitchen it was awash in a pink hew so I looked out of the kitchen window, a pink sunrise. So I guess we're going to have some not so good weather.


1 comment:

  1. I love early, early morning and watching the sun peak through the trees before it's high up in the sky.
    I love reading your blog and just wanted to let you know that I've become a regular visitor. I also noticed the book, "Facing the Lion" on your sidebar. Awesome book! I'm a Witness and this story is so very encouraging and faith strengthening.
    Marilyn in NM
