Sunday, December 14, 2008

An Affinity With New Zealand

Right from when I was a little girl I knew we had relatives in New Zealand, but being a child it was never explained to me how we were related. One year cousin J. came over to visit. In fact she lived in London for a year I believe. In any case over the holidays she came down to stay with us, I was a little girl then, and I remember it being quite an ordeal to put through a trunk call, as a long distance phone call was called back then, to New Zealand. If my memory serves me, we had to go through the operator, and the operator had to ring as back, which all seems so very old fashioned now. What's an operator?

As I got older and could sort out all the family relationships and ask questions. Cousin J. is my grandmother's half cousin, although nearer in age to my mum's younger sister, who also has the same name.

My great-grandmother's, (that's my mother's mother's mother's) younger half brother and sister J. and M. emigrated to New Zealand, I think just before the first World War. They were both single at the time and both married New Zealanders. In fact the brother's wife had the same name as his sister M. so that made it even more complicated to understand the family relationship. One couple never had children and the other couple just had cousin J. and cousin J. never had children so consequently the New Zealand connection ends there.

I have several things sent back from New Zealand over the years. A Maori bead necklace, an old Constable print, which I think went from England to New Zealand and back again, and a school atlas of New Zealand, which I remember looking at as a child. I always loved looking at maps and things and knowing where countries were, always good at geography, I know, a little different. Maybe that's why I love Blogland.

The photo above is of the Counter Railway Refreshment Rooms, aunt M. is at the center, she either managed the restuarant or maybe owned it, not sure, and I don't know where they were. Looks to be about 1920's era. May have been a little earlier.

The photo above looks like a picnic in the country, but aunt M. marked with an X in the center, says on the back, a Party in the Country, Taihape, North Island. Again no date, but I would say 1920's.
Aunt M. 12th December 1920 is marked on the above photo.

The photo below was taken in 1940 at 45 Uxbridge Road, Howick, Auckland, New Zealand. Aunt M. with her husband F., in their vegetable garden, overlooking the sea. Lovely garden and a beautiful view.

I only have a few photos but thought ones might be interested, especially in New Zealand, which one day I hope to visit.



  1. Whauw, What a search our family is sometimes! I love all the pictures you show! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Your photos and knowledge of family ties are great. My grandmother didn't pass on much of the family history to us. We've been in NZ for at least 3 gernrations but assume we came out from England origanly. I have a deep desire to visit England and Scotland where my Dad's family decend from to see if I find like many Kiwi's that it feels like coming home.

  3. I have truly enjoyed this post and loved looking at the old photographs of your family. The older I get the more I realize that our old photos are our true treasures. Thank you for sharing them with us. I too used to love looking at the Atlas and still do. I have always had an interest in other countries, people, customs and know that's why I love my arm-chair traveling on all the blogs we go to.
