Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Barcelona, Sunday 4th May 2008

Here we are arriving at our hotel in Barcelona. We chose this hotel to stay at out of Rick Steve's guide on Barcelona. It turned out to be a good choice. It was very central, not too far from Catalunya Square and some of Gaudi's wonderful buildings.

Our hotel room and with a balcony, so we felt very European, in this old hotel, with the tile floor and full length French doors to the balcony. The tile work has such a Moorish influence.

A view of the street that ran past our hotel.

Walking down the Ramblas on Sunday morning. Here we are at the bird market. Just being there and listening to all the birds was something.

Here is Rob and I, we're choosing a nesting box. In the end we chose the one that Rob has his hand on.

Here we are at the flower market, further down the Ramblas.

Here are some of the other market stalls.

Crossing from the end of the Ramblas into the waterfront area.

One of the last remaining towers of Barcelona's medieaval walls is found in the shipyards.

A wooden submarine.
Inside the renovated Royal Shipyard. Here is a copy of Juan de Austria's Royal Galley, built to mark the 4th centenary of the Battle of Lepanto. As the galleys would have stood in the slipway, ready to slide down to launch. The coastline has moved out since these galleys were launched.

Some views of the interior archways.

A model of a typical old Spanish fishing boat, going out.

1 comment:

  1. What a gorgious photo's .
    Barcelona is a qorgious town. We went there last year. Ths year we're going to spain again but we will be taking our little puppy with us so we won't visit Barcelona this year.I'm so glad that I finally am able to back online again.
    I will look around your blog for a while,so I can catch up again.

    Take care,

