Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A Boy, His Dog and His Art Work

The Boy with his dog. Well actually you would think that this is his dog, but this is my friend Ali's dog. They are all in Tobago, so we are dog sitting. I'm dreading the question, did Gabby miss us, because no, I don't think she has. She just loves Rob, sleeps on his bed, follows him around and is his pal. Gabby just loves people and is full of love to give.Some pieces of Rob's art work from school this year. Thursday 12th June is graduation from Middle School to High School, so a big change for next September.
Wish I could have taken a better photo of this piece.

1 comment:

  1. I love the sketch of the balls and lacrosse bat. Really good!

    Isn't it funny...when you told me of the dog I pictured this big dog for some reason. And here she is a little muffin--so cute!
