Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Tomatoes, Tomatoes, Tomatoes

Rain, rain go away, Come again, Another day.
And today it did. So I was a busy little beaver.
Yes today was the day I planted my tomatoes. Well not all of them, but a lot of them. I am now dreaming of Tuscan Spaghetti Sauce, Tomato Chutney, Tomato Salsa. Yes I should have enough tomatoes for these.

Rob gets through an unprecedented amount of Salsa, and I therefore need to make my own. Does anyone have any good recipes out there? I always think of Salsa as the Hispanic Chutney. Great on a lot of things, especially omelet.

I worked all morning to beat the rain. It has rained soooo much, that turning the soil was quite a chore. But it's mostly done and I'm happy!!!

I also planted hot peppers and sweet peppers, and some flowers.

Some things that are flowering in my Garden. Great to be in the garden.

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