Sunday, March 30, 2008

Childhood at the Beach

The photo above, of the beach at Blackpool, is about the same time period as the photo of me with my mum and dad, which I'm using as a banner. I chose the photo of me on the beach with my mum and dad because it is quintesentially Brit. Sitting on the beach, with my dad in long trousers a shirt and a jacket. My mum, in what would now be fashionable again, a strapless sun dress. Some of the other men on the beach even have ties on. The old wooden deck chairs, that was the one and only choice as I remember it. And me in my pink National Health issued glasses. I don't know on which beach it was taken. Maybe South-End-On-Sea or Clacton. I don't think we ever went to a beach as crowded as the one on this picture. But don't you just love the little girl sleeping in her sundress, to the child walking along with nothing on, and the man with his sunday shoes and socks on.


  1. I love the photo --what a cutie you were! And your Mom was quite attractive.

    It is strange to see men in ties on the beach--yet from BBC dramas I have seen it. It must be awfully hot!

    I love your blog and look forward to seeing items in your Etsy shop.


  2. Thank you Candyce. I look forward to seeing items in my Etsy shop too.
