Saturday, January 4, 2020

Landis Valley Museum

Hi Dear Folk,

Back in the summer, we had friends visiting from England, who visited Canada and while in North America stopped down to see us.  We all grew up together.  It was nice to spend one of the days visiting Landis Valley Museum, how Pennsylvanians used to live.

The smithey.

Old country store.

An old Pennsylvania kitchen.

A step up for the housewife was getting an iron stove moving up from an open fireplace.

Landis Valley Museum


Friday, January 3, 2020

Posting Last Summer In The New Year

Hi Dear Folk,

Thank you for all you dear folk in blogland who welcomed me back, it has been a while.  Once you break a habit it's hard to return.  Instagram and a new iPhone might be the problem.  How fickle we are everything has to be more instantaneous.

Also last year made me less and less enamored with social media, and the manipulation of it, but Blogs are probably the least manipulated on social media.

Well 2019 went out with a bang but not a good bang.  Mr. B. lost his job and I found out I need yet another crown on a tooth, so not a good harbinger for 2020, of course things can only get better.  Life never stays the same, change will always come, sometimes good and sometimes bad and sometimes circumstances that just have to be worked out, which is where we are, thinking about our options.

Just sharing a little Pennsylvania summertime in the middle of winter.

I love these rolling farmlands.

I'm watching the new episodes of Anne with an E and enjoying those.  Lots of crochet has been going on.  I have plans to crochet a pinafore dress/jumper.  But at the moment 13 skeins of yarn might be a little out of the budget, still I have quite a stash and just need to carry on and use what I have.  I just don't have what I need for a crochet pinafore dress.

I like my Love Bird shawl that I crocheted, it was a fun artistic endeavor.  The good thing about a shawl like that is that you can use left over yarn.  I so enjoy creating and setting out on a new crochet project, plus finishing old ones like my three year old cardigan.  So I get to wear it this winter.

I was hoping 2020 would be a status quo year, but I guess that is not to be. Since retiring I have a great loathing of paperwork.

Have a happy year with family and friends.
