Saturday, September 30, 2017

Beauport Sleeper-McCann House Front View

Hi Dear Folk,

I don't know what you would call this eclectic style, mock Tudor?  This is the front of the house.  Every time another room was added on, another roof line had to be joined.  He kept expanding to his neighbor on the right of the front of the house.  He did have many friends on East Point and they would host lots of summer parties Henry Sleeper certainly did, but I don't think his immediate neighbor was invited.  In fact the neighbor got so fed up with Henry expanding his way, that eventually he built a huge wall right down the edge of his property.  Henry built within less than a foot of that wall.  In fact one window upstairs is frosted because it's view is a brick wall.

Different gargoyle supports, Tudor rose and herringbone brick.

Notice all the great boulders.  Cape Ann is almost all boulders.  The early European settlers had ideas of farming, which would have been even worse if they had come here with land already allotted, because Cape Ann is not farming land.  That is why so many turned to fishing and boat building.  In fact they had to be a jack of all trades to make ends meet.

There is a quite large central area of Cape Ann, called Dogtown Common, no doubt harking back to villages in England having a Common.  There is an interesting write up on the history of Dogtown Commons and how it got it's name.


Beaport The Sleeper-McCann House - Back of House

Hi Dear Folk,

I do love to visit the New England area, but for us it is a very busy hectic drive, all roads are just super busy, and basically you somehow have to skirt around New York City, plus you must cross the Hudson River, which limits you to certain bridges.  Instead of taking the NJ Turnpike which is a nightmare, we opt for a more circuitous route of 202, heading north and east crossing over the Tappan Zee Bridge.  Actually they are in the middle of building a new bridge and will eventually take the old bridge down.  You can read about it here.  There are some mighty big rivers in the USA.

The Boy GPS us all the way, so I relied on him to chart the route.  It seems so funny to not navigate with a map anymore, but in the dark at night GPS is great.  I wonder how we ever did it?  It took us 6 1/2 hours to get up there, ETA 12:10AM and it was exactly correct.  It still amazes me.

I cannot say enough about the Beauport Sleeper-McCann House, what a delight to visit.  See here. The interior designer Henry Davis Sleeper working along with an architect had it built in 1907.  He was just a collector and as he saw old places torn down he would salvage different pieces, a set of doors, interior panelling a whole fire place or it could be a piece of furniture, and then ask his architect to design and add another room on to accommodate what ever he had found.  I often come across things I would like to incorporate into my house, but have never thought of asking Mr.B. to add a room on for it, if only.

The feeling I had of stepping into this house on the water's edge was of the interior of an old galleon on the high seas.  Some rooms more than others.  It's not a mansion, but a lot of eclectic smaller rooms with great interest.

Since I took so many pictures I will start with the back of the house, which overlooks the water.  It's built on East Point in Gloucester, down a private road.  Lots of summer cottages on this road, rich persons terminology for their summer mansion residence.  In fact there was one house that looked like a southern plantation house, but obviously neglected.  As I stopped to look at it a lady walked by and I asked who owned that and she thought Gorton, the frozen fish people who still have a plant in Gloucester where they originated.

This orange lichen was amazing, as were the bees on the ivy flowers.

The room up top was originally his mother's bedroom, who lived with him until she died, then he took the bedroom and redid it.  The view from that window certainly makes you feel as if your viewing the world from an old galleon.

Those pesky squirrels get everywhere.

I sat here and imagined afternoon tea on the back lawn.  I heard that sometimes they do a special afternoon tea event here, now wouldn't that be fun to attend?

And here is that squirrel sitting on my shoulder.

The window above was in his main dining room, but he had many smaller dining rooms.  The windows slide out for an outside dining experience.


Good Harbor Beach, Cape Ann, MA

Hi Dear Folk,

This is the first morning since I got back from Cape Ann that I have not had to go to the doctor.  My ankle aches quite a bit, but I do hate to continually take ibuprofen.  I'm keeping it elevated and resting it up, as it will be back to work next week, with the dreaded black boot, which in itself is wearing to wear.

It's quite cool this morning and I can feel that in the house.  There's lots of things I would like to do, but shouldn't be hobbling around so will have to dismiss them out of my mind.  Concentrate on what I can do.  Reading, Blogging and Crochet, while listening to BBC Radio.

Here we are at Good Harbor Beach in Cape Ann.  With the name Good Harbor, it makes me think of the early Pilgrim ships sailing down the coastline of New England looking for a good harbor.

Tides are definitely higher and lower the further north you get and thus come in and go out more quickly.

Good Harbor Beach I'm sure is a very popular beach, I was here at about 10:30 AM as you can see still overcast, but lovely.  Salt spray on your lips and seagulls calling.

What a house to have with a widows walk.

I like this bridge across to the beach.  This little back water must constantly be here.

Must be a popular surfing beach, I saw lots of surfers come and go.

On the beach I found a piece of white sea glass and a feather for my journal.

And by the time I had walked back the sun was coming out to a glorious day.  When it started you would never have thought it would turn into this.  Cape Ann seems to have that island effect of quick weather changes.  I noticed mists can roll in very quickly and can roll out just as quickly.

When I got back to the car I sat with this view, having a nice cup of coffee and some snacks.


Rummage at Rockport

Hi Dear Folk,

It was fun going to the rummage sale in Rockport, here are most of my goodies, along with a brand new still with tags on tee shirt, embroidered around the neck and a red patent leather pair of Wolky sandals.  I looked these shoes up and they are quite an expensive line of shoes.

The design on this teacup reminds me of a hotel on the edge of Lake Como.


I know how much work goes into a crochet table cloth like this so for $6.00 could not pass it by.

And who wouldn't fall in love with this lady?

And these little maids, interesting placement of holes on the back.


PS Ankle avulsion fracture of the medial malleolus.  Did visit with the orthopedic doctor and I have to go back in three weeks and then some type of physical therapy.  Also he gave me a black boot thing to wear, well I do hope the insurance will pay some of that.  Seems only need to wear the boot.  It aches a lot and will take at least six weeks to heel.  Such is life, but it could have been worse.

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Rockport, MA

Hi Dear Folk,

This is Rockport in Essex County, MA, this whole area was founded by Europeans in the 1600's, Rockport about 1680.  The native Agawam Indians, had mostly died off from disease caught from the early settlers.

This red building was originally built as a fishing shack in 1884, and has been the subject of countless paintings. Over the years it has been rebuilt because of storm damage, it is such an iconic image.  Artists say that the quality of light in Rockport is excellent for painting, it obsessed Winslow Homer, Andrew Wyeth, Edward Hopper, Stuart Davis, Marsden Hartley, Fitz Henry Lane and Gordon Parks.

Rockport takes it's name from all the rock quarries that are in the area.  This old stone pier is some of the granite quarried I'm sure.  You will see the granite used as doorsteps, piers and grave stones, throughout Cape Ann.

Look at this column to throw a rope around.


I was out on the road early Saturday morning, and I am happy to say that the weather only got better and this was the worst it was, actually quite cold and windy, so I wore my Aran poncho.  I ran across a rummage sale, so after taking these photos I headed on back for the 9:00AM opening.

I found a few goodies in fact that was all the shopping I did on the entire trip.  A hand crocheted table cloth, Polish pottery a cheese or butter dish in the shape of a lady, I just fell in love with this,  creamer and sugar to match, salt and pepper shakers, little maids,  three old bone china cups, along with a brand new embroidered neck tee shirt.

I did go back to Rockport on Sunday evening.  In fact it was just after six and I was trying to get a ticket out of a parking meter, when a gentleman said I don't think you have to pay after six, probably why I was getting no where trying to get a ticket.

The evening was beautiful, warm and quite still with a glorious sunset.  Unfortunately I did not have my camera with me.  Bearskin Neck is a group of streets, with old shops, which opens up at the end to a pier, with rocks around it.  I have heard it can be quite windy, but it was still as a millpond when I was there.  I sat down and finished off my apple pie and rum raisin ice-cream.


PS  It seems I have an avulsion fracture of the medial malleolus on the ankle, where the ligament has pulled away taking a small piece of bone with it.  I see the orthopedic doctor today, hopefully.  If not too bad it will mean wearing a boot, ice and rest and will probably take four to six weeks to heal.  Must keep weight off the ankle to heal properly.  So I will need crutches.  Must baby it along, because I do not want problems down the road.