Saturday, March 25, 2017

Philadelphia Flower Show - Holland - 2017 - Part 2

Hi Dear Folk,

It is meant to be very nice this weekend up to 75 f so I've heard, when only two days ago I'm standing on the platform and it was 22 f.  It is the early hours of Saturday morning and Tuppy is on the bed making little snoring noises, it's the funniest thing, I wonder what she's dreaming about?

Continuing on with pictures I took at the flower show.  I think it's fun with blogs throughout the world to see what local folk do, their every day lives and the places they visit, so hope you enjoy my little trip to the 2017 Philadelphia Flower Show.

This was Camden Children's Garden see here.  Camden has become a very depressed area across the river from Philadelphia, in New Jersey.  There have been several revitalization programs in certain areas, such as the Camden Aquarium.  So I was thrilled to see this lovely garden, including vegetables.

I thought I had caught this ladies millinery confection, but I missed the top of the windmill, isn't this hat fun?  A definite hater's hat.

More to come.

Last Thursday was definitely my day for train adventures, because after missing my stop in the morning, in the evening at the station right before my stop, the train looses electric power and is stuck across Main Street at the railway crossing.  We sit on the train for a while and the conductor comes through and says you might want to get off, and walk to the last station, which is about a ten minute walk.  Most of us got off, we had to cross the railroad track, then cross a four lane highway, then the train starts up and beats us to our stop, the last one on the line.  I'm telling you traveling by train is not for the faint hearted.


Thursday, March 23, 2017

Philadelphia Flower Show - Holland Theme - 2017

Hi Dear Folk,

Some Spring Cheer.

I worked a half a day last Wednesday week and walked from my office down to the Philadelphia Flower Show.  It's held at the Convention Center and is just a ten minute walk for me.

This bridge that you could walk under was at the main entrance and I think quite spectacular, Holland was the theme and I was in Holland a year ago this week.  Unfortunately I know that because we were in Amsterdam when there was a terrorist attack in Brussels and friends were worried about me and now a year later and another attack in London, how tragically sad.

Lots of tulips, windmills, bikes, bridges and water.

With a few dairy cows in the pasture.

Hope you enjoyed a view of the show and have more pics to post.


P.S.  You know what I did this morning, I was so busy reading that I went right past my train stop and had to get out at 30th Street Station, and come back on another train.  I thought why is the train so empty and realized it was my stop and by the time I did so the doors were closed, even though we sat at the station for a while, and you cannot open them.  On top of that this morning the President of the company was coming to our office, fortunately he arrived later, of all the mornings.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

My Train Ride Into Work

Hi Dear Folk,

Would you like to come along with me on my ride to work?  These are my views from the train.  For most of the way we parallel the Schuylkill River.  I took these photos the day after the snowstorm last week.

I was trying to catch all the houses along the river bank, but noticed that I caught a raft of ducks, they are hardy little things out there in all weathers.

There are more expensive houses along the river as well as boat houses and an array of dwellings in between.  On a nicer evening last week on my journey home I saw several groups out on the river sculling.

A canal used to parallel the river and this can be seen in certain parts, but not navigable anymore.

The old blue collar areas nearer to the city that are making a resurgence with restaurants and art venues.

I love this cone cupola, who takes that kind of time on a roof-line anymore?

Highways into Philadelphia, including the "Sure Kill" expressway, a take off on Schuylkill Expressway, which parallels the river on the other side from the train.

Make shift station waiting rooms which have been up for decades.

Closer to Philadelphia you see the blighted landscape of the demise of American industry.

Football field for Temple University.  This area is seeing a steady revitalization as many buildings, houses and dorms are associated with Temple University.  I actually saw them playing a couple of mornings ago as we went by, the pitch had been cleaned.

The Temple banner logo.

Philadelphia City skyline.

And to the left you can see William Penn sitting atop of City Hall.  At one time no building was to be built higher than William Penn, but that ordinance was scrapped as obviously in a city taller buildings will be needed, but certainly it has kept the horizon profile lower, up until recent years, especially around City Hall.


Friday, March 17, 2017

Rob and Tierney at Niagara Falls

Hi Dear Folk,

Rob and Tierney at Niagara Falls.  They made it somewhat ahead of the snow storm that came through, although were caught in it on their last leg into Toronto.  Pretty iced up at Niagara Falls.

Good food in Toronto
