Friday, November 7, 2014

R.I.P. Tinkerbell

Hi Dear Folk,

We had to have our dear Tink put to sleep today.  It was a very hard decision, but we feel it was the kindest thing to do.  She had a stroke yesterday, could not walk and was not eating.  We put her cozily in a box with a towel, she was sleeping and purring, which made it even harder.  She was about seventeen years old, had a long life for a Himalayan.

Mr. B. and I went together, shed our tears, we have buried her in the back garden next to Baggy a previous cat.

Here she is a few years ago, doing what she loved, sunning herself in the garden.


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Count Down Is On

Aloha Dear Folk,

The count down is on until our departure to Honolulu, just the name conjures up pictures from my childhood, of far flung places palm trees and grass skirts.  We have a 7:00am flight out of Philly to Phoenix and then a connecting flight to Honolulu.  We arrive after 3:00pm gaining some five hours.

I hope to be at our hotel in time to walk down to Waikiki Beach to see the Hula Show see here, our hotel is on the Marina at the Hawaii Prince, so not too far, we think, never sure until you actually get there.  I have never stayed at such a ritzy hotel, that will be interesting.

I have been gathering, what I call staging things together.  Some things are packed and other things need ironing and then I will pack them.  I wanted to try out my new backpack that Mr. B. treated me to back in the spring, it is a Fossil and I think will work quite well as we are only taking one very small suitcase that you take onto the plane with you along with one other bag.  All my odd bods just about fit into the backpack with a little arranging. 

Not consciously, but my colour scheme turned out to be mostly black and white, with French blue, light blue, a bit of green, and one yellow dress thrown in if I have room for it.

Internal US flights, unlike International flights provide about zilch on the amenities, such as food.  I am rather spoilt with flights to UK where you get a snack, a dinner, complimentary wine, and breakfast, and that's in economy, on internal US flights I don't think you even get a bag of peanuts now, so will pack some snacks, maybe a sandwich.

Most days at work, well almost all I take a salad to eat.  Mr. B. packs it for me, just the ingredients and I wash it, chop it and assemble it at work.  This is what I had today, I bet no one else has had this combination.  Spring lettuce, green pepper, cherry tomatoes, radish, dates, raspberries and a chunk of liverwurst all with a dressing of balsamic vinegar, and you know what it was good.  I chop it all up in to little pieces or slivers.

I sent this to my son.

He agreed it is his modus operandi.

I'm going to make a new label Hawaii.

Take care,

Saturday, November 1, 2014

My Saturday

Hi Dear Folk.

Today, Saturday it poured with rain most of the day; which means that Mr. B. does not work, so he was home.  An ideal opportunity to put away some of the garden furniture that needed to be put away in the shed for the winter, along with bringing in a couple of plants.  I hope to winter them in the Simla room, I would bring in more, but just don't have the room. it's hard also to keep them going through the winter.

Here are my passion flower and my Tahitian Bridal Veil.  I bought the plant below just as a little one and it has grown to this during the summer.  I wonder if Tahitian Brides did put this in a bridal head piece, it is a very delicate flower and has length to it to wind it around.  As soon as I saw it I loved the tiny white flowers.

Guess what came in the mail. the new Pesephone Biannaull.

Inserted was a bookmark with a Cheese Pudding recipe on the back.

A friend gave me this shawl a while ago and I always felt that it needed an edging on it.  So I've been crocheting on edge on it. An adaptation of what they call the butterfly stitch.  I thought that this stitch would be nice at the bottom of a crochet skirt too.

Wrote a letter to my Boy today and enjoyed the company  of Miss Tink, who is getting old and a little doddery on her pins.

She had a scare last week.  We have new neighbours and they have two pitbulls.  I heard this terrible clang of metal and looked out the window to see a man running around my front yard.  It turned out to be my next door neighbour, chasing his pitbull, who was chasing my cat.  Not a too auspicious meeting with the new neighbours.  I miss George, we are not in Kansas anymore.  As the cats go out, I say look out for wolves.

Fortunately I eventually found Miss Tink hiding in the basement window well.  I saw her little cream face and heard a meow.  I think the metal clang I heard was my metal chiminea being knocked over, my patio is a bit of an obstacle course.

I did speak with the neighbour and expressed my concern over their dogs, and the fact that Miss Tink is declawed, she came that way from the SPCA, I said Miss Tuppy can probably look after herself as she's a true Philly cat and pretty feisty, plus can run up a tree but Miss Tink cannot.  They had said that when their dogs are out they put them on a leash, but obviously not always.  We may have to extend the fence, as they ran through the hedge.

Later on Mr. B. and I went over to the thrift.  Mr. B. likes to find CDs there and I found this lovely book "Around The World In Eighty Sweaters"  I like the pun and I liked the pictures and patterns along with the sketches.

So interested to see the different patterns from around the world interpreted into knitwear.

I did get my suitcase out of the garage, but didn't get to my ironing and packing yet.

Have a great weekend.
