Thursday, May 30, 2013

Loom Knitting

Remember that I bought some round knitting looms in various sizes.  With the smallest I loom knitted a long thin scarf, which I have yet to add pom pom ends to.  Now I'm looming a hat.  This will be the sides of the hat. the top I have decided will be made of a circle of felt, and the sides then sewn on.  Still thinking about how I'm going to do that.  I'm excited to see how it turns out.

Our spring has been so chilly that it has lent itself to what I tend to consider winter crafts, but now I may pack it away until next autumn as it's over 90f with high humidity. Oh my!


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My Holiday Weekend A Day In The Garden

Late Sunday afternoon we did more garden tidying, I just wanted to have it in hand so that Monday we could still garden, but it would be more the fun pottering things, you know what I mean, and not the hard graft.  Plus the patio would be clean and we could eat out here.  Not that is hasn't been done once this year, but all those cat tail things fell off the oak tree and here we go cleaning up all over again.  The pollen this year has been terrible.

Holiday Monday, late breakfast on the Oak Tree Patio.  Do you like my table found out for anyone to take. I had the circular glass top in the garage and added that, I thought it would protect the table from the weather, as I don't really think it is an outside table, but it works and free.

The red edged plates are from France.

More finds, the chairs, which one has to be careful with, because the top is not attached to the bottom and we have concluded almost impossible to do so.  The previous person probably took them apart to move and could not get them back together, but on the patio for us they work just fine, we know to be careful.

A bed head found in the trash, and I added the Coronation Street sign which I picked up at the Promo Trade Show in Atlantic City last week.  I didn't mention I went there last Wednesday, did get to see the sea, only was a greyed out kind of day.

In any case I thought the bed head made made for an interesting edge to the garden and patio.  It will stay for a while.

Also picked up the Red Hot Chile Peppers sign and Betty Boop at the same booth, all freebies.

Our neighbour took down an old fence and asked Mr B. if he would like the wood to burn in our stove, so he has been taking apart pallets of fence and stacking them ready for next winter.  We also need to order another three cords of wood.

I love the mossy green on our big old oak tree.

My little kitchen rose garden.

These succulents loved all the rain, each year or so I add another pair of boots.

Thorn less blackberry.

Roses we had in my childhood garden.

Nice just to be home and enjoy the garden and being together.

The boy has been assisting in directing a short film, probably that will be ready for viewing late this year.


Tuesday, May 28, 2013

My Holiday Weekend in Two Parts

First the people part of my holiday weekend.  

Unfortunately another funeral of a friend, who had moved to Delaware, old friends from our area all went down to the funeral.  The one joy was seeing old friends and young ones now grown up with children of their own.

All the children.

I got to meet Bernetta's daughter another friend who died far to young.  I recognized her daughter as soon as I saw her, she looked and not only looked but smiled and held her head in the same way, and I had never met her, and this is her little girl above and mum and dad below.

Friends having lunch at our Assembly.

My flask up front, hubby put it in the dish washer and most of the decals on one side came off, I was so upset as C gave t to me, then I had a brain wave, stick some more on, which I did, flowers and camping related decals.  I love my Bento lunch box, in purple to the left.  It is from Japan and has it's own little fork and spoon with upper little compartments and a lower one, with a lid and little handles. Small things please us.

Dear friends.

Me wearing a blouse my sister gave me, it came from one of those Old English Fayres.  It's a light weight cotton muslin, I love it very cool and easy to wear.  Thanks BB.


Monday, May 27, 2013

Earl-Grey and Lavender Infused Cheesecakes

I have to try these, tea and lavender what a perfect combination.

Earl-Grey- and Lavender-Infused Cheesecakes

Earl-Grey and Lavender-Infused Cheesecakes

24 mini vanilla-flavored wafers
2/3 cup heavy whipping cream
1½ tablespoons Earl Grey–lavender black tea leaves*
1 teaspoon dried lavender
2 (3-ounce) packages cream cheese, softened
2/3 cup sugar
3 large eggs
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
Garnish: fresh lavender

• Preheat oven to 325°.
• Line a 12-well mini cheesecake pan with paper liners. Place a
wafer in the bottom of each cup. Set aside.
• In a small saucepan, bring cream to a boil over medium-high
heat. Remove from heat. Add tea leaves and lavender to saucepan.
Cover, and steep for 5 minutes. Strain, discarding tea and
lavender. Cool cream for 1 hour.
• In a medium bowl, beat cream cheese and sugar at high speed
with an electric mixer until smooth, approximately 3 minutes.
Add eggs, mixing until combined. Add cream mixture to
cream-cheese mixture, mixing until combined.
• Pour batter into prepared wells of cheesecake pan. Wrap bottom
of cheesecake pan with aluminum foil to keep out water. Place
cheesecake pan in a roasting pan. Carefully add enough water to
roasting pan to come halfway up sides of cheesecake pan.
• Bake until set, approximately 25 minutes. Remove cheesecake
pan from roasting pan. Cool in pan for 1 hour. Refrigerate for
2 hours.
• To remove cheesecakes, place a cutting board over pan, and
invert pan and board in one motion.
• Garnish cheesecakes with fresh lavender, if desired.


Friday, May 24, 2013

Blooms of May

It's raining again today, but my garden loves it and all the seeds I planted outside are doing so well with all this rain.  Poor roses and peonies are bedraggled though.  It has been a very long cool spring.

I planted more vegetable seeds in various pots and put them in my little plastic greenhouse.  Detroit Red beetroot, various lettuce, zucchini and squash.

A neighbour gave me the old teapot, he said his wife was going to throw it out, but he thought of me, and kindly drilled a hole in the bottom for me, so now I need to plant something in it.  It seems he has all the drill bits to drill through china, now I know where to go.

Some things that have bloomed during the month of may.  Above is the nearest I ever come to bluebells, I do miss the bluebell woods in the UK.

A small gift from a friend which I planted last year, an azalea.

Another gift from a friend, but it has had a hard time getting going, Jack In The Pulpit.

The usual day lilies.


My Joseph's Coat of Many Colours rambling rose.

Queen Elizabeth, one glorious bloom.

Bridal bouquet.

Climbing hydrangea.




Ferns, Japanese Lady fern.

Ants on my large peonies.

Staghorn fern.

More columbine, I love them, they remind me of fairies.


Picked to enjoy in my Simla Room.

Oh Henry clematis.

Me under the wisteria.

Well that's a little tour of my May blooms.
