Sunday, September 25, 2011

Sunday Graduation Party, Mike's

Two graduation parties, a full weekend.  Lots of little children at this one.  Rob on the floor communing with a two year old.


Purple Orchid

This is the second set of blooms on my orchid.  I put it outside in all that rain and it just loved it and put out another set of flowers.  I also bought a white orchid in a clearance sale, so hope I can coax this along too.  Probably next spring.


Saturday, September 24, 2011

Jazz Ming Handmade Jewelry

This was my Saturday morning helping a friend at a Craft and Farmer's Market.  It was quite local, I got to walk around and try a local vineyard wine tasting, plus some good humus, sell a little jewelry and spend time with a friend.  

It was nice to sit and chat, look at all Cindy's lovely creations, and just chill out.  I'll have to show you the lovely set of earrings she gave me for helping out.


The Year of the Graduation Parties

This is the year of graduation parties.  This is Katie's.  Always fun.  We did a lot of dancing when the sun went down.


Sunday, September 11, 2011

Dinner With Friends

Jen's favourite colour green
Dinner and a nice evening with friends.


Monday, September 5, 2011

Cadbury's 99 Flake

This is part of my childhood at the Seaside.  Cadbury's 99 Flake.


Sunday, September 4, 2011

Turnersville Assembly Hall

We missed Saturday because of Hurricane Irene, the Convention was rescheduled to the following weekend, so we decided to go to Turnersville, which is an Assembly Hall and seats about 2,000.  I had not been there before and enjoyed seeing it.  We enjoyed the program and the tranquil setting; which I found very soothing to my tired body and nerves.

We left at seven am and it took about an hour to get there.  We had plenty of time to find seats, look around and the boys even had time to walk to Wawa and get us bagel, sausage and egg breakfast sandwiches, very good, we ate them in the dining area.  At lunch time we ate outside on the patio, it was a lovely day and we enjoyed the association with a close friends and so very much appreciated the spiritual program given by the faithful and discreet slave.

A memorable, enjoyable day.
