Monday, February 28, 2011

Posting Changes and Musing

I have started on another Blurb book, downloading my 2009 Lil Bit Brit Blog.  It's fun adjusting a rearranging page layouts.

T.G.I.T.  I seem to be very bad at keeping up a regular weekly continued posting, but I do love my "Thank Goodness It's Tea" so I will probably post it once a month.

US State Quilt Squares, I will gradually start posting, but not every week.  If you're desperately following then I would pick the pace up, but let me know.

Boosul Boy was chuffed to find what he calls a "beater bike" on Craig's List.  He wanted to find a light weight one speed bike to ride to school.  He found a Fuji for $75.00. The guy in NJ about an hours drive said to get there at 10:00am as someone else had called.  So I said to Rob "the early bird gets the worm."  He got there twenty minutes early, but the other person never turned up at 10:00 am so Rob got it.  So I guess if your late you loose.

I am happy for him, because it's a nice little bike for him to ride to school and is 4 lbs lighter than his Bianchi.  Although he calls it a beater bike he will look after it.  He's already trying to come up with a teacher to put the bike in their closet, instead of leaving it locked up in the bike rack.


Dashshund Kohler Advert

Dachshund Kohler Ad.  My friends daughter cut this out for her as they have a dachshund.  Isn't it a wonderful ad?


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Looked what arrived in the post.  A gift from my friend Candyce's daughter, Laura.

What a wonderful surprise Laura, thank you so much.  As you can see I have tried it out and took a lovely freshly ground travel mug of coffee with me, plus the lip for drinking seems to be ergonomically designed, it seems many are not.  Dripping and causing all sorts of problems, but this one is great.

I have always liked this style of making coffee with a press and have a large one, but I like the idea of a travel press.  Plus it would be great for camping.

So thank you,  what a great surprise.

Couldn't help but smile at the instructions enclosed, in a zillion languages.  Plus the lovely card made by Candyce, her cards are beautiful.


Saturday, February 26, 2011

Getting Ahead On The Firewood Game

It seems to have been a long winter and we seem to have almost finished our four cords of wood, so we had to buy another cord that needed to be seasoned wood, to finish off the winter.  And of course it was more expensive than what we usually had paid.  So we decided to buy all our firewood for next winter, this spring; which will give it time to be really nice and seasoned.  Plus a lady down the road gave us some wood and is having another tree cut down this summer, so she said we could have that wood.  It needs splitting, but every little bit helps.  For next winter we probably need another three cords.

I have several friends who have converted their central heating furnaces, one to coal and another to wood pellets; which I have never heard of before for a furnace.  Just for a wood stove.  I'll have to look into it.  Oil is so terribly expensive, even though we hardly use it.


Friday, February 25, 2011

Time Flies

Where did the time go, is this really me teenage boy?


Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Trout Hatchery at The Farm Park


Each year the ponds and rivers of the Farm Park are stocked with trout for the fishing season.  This is the fish hatchery area.  I thought the chain-saw fish artwork was great, plus the epitaph.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

An Artists House

This is my friends house, she is an artist and studied at the Academy of Art in Philadelphia.  Her house is so interesting.  Especially her kitchen.  The center island represents a river.  The end where the birds are will be a waterfall and it will look as if it is flowing down a river, which is represented by the glass counter top, which you look though to see the creatures of a river below.

In the dining room she has old Mexican doors and a wonderful painted rustic cupboard from India.

The downstairs powder room is great, the tap water looking as if it comes from the falling water.  Plus the old wood work.

I always love to visit it's so interesting.  She has a wonderful fossil collection. Plus a some what eclectic South-Western theme.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lunch With Candyce

Last Friday I spent a great day visiting a friend.  She always sets a lovely luncheon; which of course we got to talking and forgot to take anymore photos beside these.  I love the Denby set on the April Cornell tablecloth.  The cloth sets the set off.  The little tea cozy is one I bought in the UK.

Look at the lovely gifts she gave me.  We both love beautiful writing paper and different pens.  Plus there were some lovely cards Candyce made me.  Plus a Maisie Dobbs book to read.

We knew each other before we both had our boys in our forties, but then we had even more in common.  Rob was my first Candyce's fourth.  We could write a book on childbirth in one's forties.


Monday, February 21, 2011

Bo and I at a Friends Wedding

A photo of us together that I have always liked.


Old Buildings at The Farm Park



 We took a different walk at the Park other then our usual ones, this is one of the many buildings that are part of Park area.  Some of the old buildings have wonderful detail, or are just great in black and white.  I would love the slate roofed building if it were in my yard, what one could do with it.

Bo dumpster diving, no good finds.  It seems a little contradictory to say this is part of a park, but it was once all part of the State Hospital (asylum)


Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Walk Around My Winter Garden

I walked around my garden today, now that all the snow has melted, to see if there were any signs of life and this is what I found.  Parsley, still hanging in there, snowdrops popping their dear little heads, sage bush not looking too bad, daffodils coming in for a show and the primulas just flattened by all the snow.

The lawns and garden are an absolute quagmire after the snow.  The pond is full of leaves and no signs of life yet on the Japanese maples.


Five Eastern Bluebirds

I was thrilled this afternoon when we went for a walk and saw five Eastern Bluebirds all at once, sitting on these little trees.  I have not seen an Eastern Bluebird for a couple of years so this was a rare treat.  This is my favourite bird in Pennsylvania.

So just some photos from our walk.  Today was lovely, sunny and no wind.  Yesterday was blowing a gale. although it was sunny.  It probably did a lot of drying of the ground after all this snow.


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Life and Death

Ecclesiastes 12: 1 - 7  "...and the doors onto the street have been closed, ..."

It has been a very hard week.  A close friend died this week.  He was one of my husband's ushers in our wedding party and was dating one of my bridesmaids.  They married a year later.  After 28 years of marriage Al is now dead.

It was all very sudden.  All us girls although marrying, some having children, some not, living our lives, we can come together in an instance and pick up our closeness with each other, those are wonderful friendships.  We have been with Joni for several days, sleeping over and popping in and out.  

It's a time of grieving and remembrance.
