Sunday, October 25, 2009

Across the Skye Bridge, on the Isle

Here we are on the Isle of Skye, with a view of the Cuillin Mountains. By now it's late afternoon and it's been a long day. From the Skye Bridge to the cottage was at least an hours drive, of course again longer because of the photo taking.

The view from my bedroom window.

My journals and books for the trip.

We were delighted with the cottage we had chosen to stay at, 6 Fasach, in Glendale. The heat was on when we arrived and so cozy. It's a good job we got there while it was still light, because it would have been very hard to find in the dark.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

Still on the Road to the Isle of Skye

Glenfinnan, this is the viaduct at Glenfinnan and when we were there, there was actually a train going across. It has appeared in many films, such as Charlotte Grey.

A true Scottish scene of heather.

This was in the area of The Five Sisters of Kintail. I'm not sure if these are The Five Sisters.

Loch Dunne

Eilean Donan

We had a glorious Saturday to travel on up to the Isle of Skye. It seems that Scotland and the Isles have had their wettest year in 100 years, but all that rain in just 50 days. I think we had the only week that did not rain. As when we got back to my sisters and I looked at the weather forecast, it was raining again up there. How fortunate we were.

Isn't Eilean Donan so romantic, a little austere, in that Scottish way how wonderful to build a home on a rocky outcrop, looking up the Loch both ways.

We passed through Fort William, the name makes me think of cowboys and indians. Ben Nevis rises here, the highest mountain in the British Isles. All names that conjure up pictures and stories in ones mind.


Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Journey Begins, 1st Day, Loch Lomond and Scotland

Peugeot 308 diesel, and my brother-in-law taking photos at Loch Lomond

Loch Lomond at 9:00 am

A man and his dog on Loch Lomond

Ranoch Moor

Our journey to the Isle of Skye from my sister's house in Suffolk, began after midnight on Saturday 12th September 2009. We travelled up the M1, which is the first Motorway built in Britain and it gets very congested, so leaving at that hour of the morning was great, because it meant that we were sitting by the side of Loch Lomond by 9:00 am drinking coffee and eating biscuits even though we stopped a couple of times on the way up.

I had rented a car at Heathrow airport, but it was a Ford Focus petrol and probably got about 38 to the gallon, I was able to change the car at Stansted airport, which is not too far from my sisters for a Peugeot 308 diesel, which averaged well arround 58 miles to the gallon, so 20 miles more per gallon, which is a big savings. I was so happy that I had bugged them to death to change the car.

From Loch Lomond on, all the way to the Isle of Skye is A and B roads, so the going from then on was slow. Made even slower by me wanting to stop quite often for photos. I had not travelled any of these roads since my teens.

Scotland has a desolate beauty, which cries out across the ages of it's history. Bringing back to mind songs you sang in Primary School, "I'll take the high road and you're take the low, and I'll be in Scotland afore you ..." We passed through such places as Ranoch Moor, The Sisters of Kintail, Fort William, to name a few. And some in our recent history, Lockerbie.

So begins my journey.
