Friday, May 30, 2008

Corsica, Wed 30th Aprl 2008

AjaccioStatue of Napoleon in Roman Classical DressPharmacyLady With Siamese Cat

Smart Car and Hummer, I love this shot of the two of them parked together, complete opposites even in Ajaccio, Corsica. Bo on the beach Ajaccio, the water was so crystal clear.Prunelli Gorge
A little restuarant where we stopped for refreshment.

End of a lovely day.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Blogging From Brooklyn

I have to tell you this little story. It's about Blogging from Brooklyn.

I said to my friend Zi, "Someone has been looking at my blog from Brooklyn, and I wondered who it was, then I realized it must be your daughter S."

Zi said, "No it can't be S, she doesn't even look at my blog."

So I thought OK, and then didn't think much more about it, until one day I'm sitting at my desk at work, and suddenly it hits me. It's ME! I'm looking at my blog from Brooklyn. Our corporate office is in Manhattan and our server probably routes through Brooklyn. I just laughed. Did I feel silly.

Blooms and Bugs

A few things blooming and eating in my garden.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Our Last Full Lazy Day at Sea, Tues. 29th April 2008

The little Prince at ease.

In the morning I decided to go to a cake decorating lesson, as it was our last full day on ship and I'd hardly been to any of these demonstrations. At least it was what I thought it would be. One morning I went to a Bridge Lesson. Now I heard about this from someone else and thought they meant a lesson about the Bridge, which would have been interesting. But no, I went to a Bridge lesson, which was totally over my head.

The staff work hard and they did some beautiful cakes.
We decided to pay the little extra and have a special meal at the French Bistro restuarant, which had a Polynesian theme.
I like these plates. I have a little espresso coffee set in a similar pattern.

The boys dressed up and out and about.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Blow Out While Biking

This is the bike trail, which was an old railway line. It goes for at least forty miles out of Philadelphia. Following the Schuylkill River and then the Perkiomen River. It's very nice to ride, and you can pick the trail up at various places.

Spring is so fresh, isn't that profound, but you know what I mean.

This is the blow out I had on the way back. The inner tube blew out right through the tire. It was like someone shot my tire. A big pop and Bo and Rob, who were riding behind me, said a big spray of dust. Bo mended the inner tube, and this is what it looked like after it was pumped up. I decided to go back to a diner that was a little way back. Where I had blueberry pie and coffee. The boys came and picked me up.

Surprise! High Tea for 35th Anniversary

Yes their girls pulled it off, it was a surprise. These are dear friends Graham and Janine. Isn't Graham such a Brit name. Graham and I have known each other since he was three and I was two. Our mums were friends. Unfortunately his mum died in her early thirties of breast cancer. When Graham was in his teens his dad married again to an American, and that's how they came over here and that's how I landed up coming over here.

The gift table.
The High Tea was held at a ski resort.

Scones, Jam and Cream. Not clotted cream, it's terribly hard to get over here, but still good.

The hot water urn for tea, there was also Starbucks coffee, which was excellant. I should have moved over just a bit more for the photo, for you to see the lovely box of assorted teas, to the left.

Trifle made by one of their girls.

The Anniversary Cake

Dear friends S and C, who we had not seen in a while, great to get together with them.

Bo and I having a fun time.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Lisbon, Portugal, Sat 26th April 2008

Lisbon is a beautiful city. Here are some photos entering the city along the Tejo River early in the morning and then leaving in the evening.
We rode the trolley got off at the wrong stop and found the Saturday morning market "Campo de Santa Clara". We walked to the Largo Santa Lucia, with views to the waterfront. Made our way through the Alfama area up to Saint George's Castle "Castelo de Sao Jorge", named after the patron saint of England by a Spanish King to keep his English homesick Queen happy.
Took a bus down to Praca da Figuieura, the Baixa shopping area of the old town. Had cod sandwiches for lunch, cabbage soup and beer.
Walked the mosaic stone streets and finally made our way to the Commercial Square "Praco do Commercio", by the seafront to take our shuttle back to the ship.
Sat on deck enjoying our departure back along the Tejo River and iced my feet back at the cabin. I did very much appreciate the ice suppled every day in our cabin. I put it to good use.